This is our mission statement at our church. We as Christians are supposed to help others find fullness in Christ. But what exactly does it mean to find fullness in Christ? Before Jesus was crucified, He told His disciples He would never leave them as orphans. He also said to His disciples that if they loved Him and obeyed His commands, Jesus would ask the Father to give another Counselor to be with them and in them. What this means is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Almighty God will be with us and in us at all times.
“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)
When we experience fullness in Christ, we experience a power beyond our comprehension, a joy beyond our understanding and wisdom that takes us outside our limited human intellect. Our lives truly become transformed.
Has this happened to you? The Bible tells us that God has no favorites. Therefore, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do all things through Christ. So what is preventing this transformation from happening in many Christian lives today? We attend church and read the Bible, yet nothing happens. Why is this? How does one experience the fullness of Christ through the power of God’s Holy Spirit?
Be a part of a new four week Bible study this fall beginning October 5th (Wednesday evenings). The study is free beginning at 7pm to 8pm at Christ United Methodist Church in Sugar Land, Texas. Over these four weeks, we will examine the workings of the Holy Spirit and learn to overcome obstacles that hinder God’s Spirit in our lives. God delights in having His children experience His Holy Spirit. The question is, are you ready, willing and able?
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