Thursday, March 25, 2010

In God We Trust

My daughter asked me the other night if the government’s health bill had passed. She’s fourteen years old and I found it interesting that even though we don’t watch the news at home, there has been so much talk at her school on this issue. I told her that it had passed and asked if she had any concerns about it.
I have to be honest about something. I, along with many others in our own government, have not read the bill. But, I was certain God was familiar with every human motive tied to its existence. I assured her that God would protect those who place Him first in their lives despite what's happening around us. It’s not to say we wouldn’t be affected, but I have placed my full trust in Him.
We live in unprecedented times and it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of political and social chaos. I used to spend hours reading every newspaper and watching every news channel just to stay on top of worldly events. It’s not to say that we should live in a bubble, but I have discovered that when I focus on God, my world becomes centered upon His peace that He graciously gives even in the midst of chaos.
In the Gospel of Matthew (14:22-33), Jesus sends His disciples out in a boat while He remains behind to dismiss a crowd that has been with Him all day. Jesus then went up to the mountainside to pray by Himself. While He was gone, the wind picked up and the disciple’s boat began tossing and turning. Jesus was seen walking on the water towards the disciples and they became frightened. He immediately told them not to be afraid. Peter then asked Jesus to command him to walk on the water.

“Lord, if it’s you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water.”

Jesus called out, “Come,” and Peter did the impossible. He walked on water. However, when Peter diverted his focus from Christ to the wind, he began to drown. Jesus immediately reached out and caught him.
Jesus said to Peter, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
When we live our lives focused on Christ as the center of our existence, we will be able to do the impossible. We will get through tough economic times. We will find joy in the midst of our suffering. We will experience peace while the world is living in chaos. However, the minute we divert our focus to our circumstances just as Peter did, we will feel like we’re drowning. Jesus didn’t hesitate to save Peter from drowning, nor did He wait and walk around awhile on the water leaving the disciples terrified. When you read the Scripture, Jesus’ response is immediate. He doesn’t want us to drown in our fears. He is right at our side ready to pull us out of the chaos when we call out to Him.
No health bill, president, or government has a hold on our lives. God remains sovereign despite what we read in the newspapers. Praise God for His control over our lives because the only motive He has is to bring all of His children together to join Him in the Heavenly Kingdom. In God We Fully Trust.